Some Famous Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad, Christian Should Know This.

Some Famous Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad, Christian Should Know This.


According to our beliefs, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is both the founder of Islam and Allah's (SWT) last and final messenger. Millions of Muslims around the world revere and respect him for his teachings, knowledge, and guidance. Some people, however, argue that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not work any miracles while he was alive. In this post, we will disprove these assertions by presenting Quranic and Hadithic evidence that shows Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indeed performed miracles.

Section 1: The Definition of Miracles in Islam

It is crucial to clarify what miracles are in Islam before delving into the individual miracles that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed. Miracles are regarded in Islam as miraculous actions carried out by prophets and messengers of Allah (SWT) to establish their veracity and divine relationship. Miracles are a manifestation of Allah's power and grace rather than magic or sorcery


Section 2: The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

There are numerous accounts of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performing miracles while he was alive. These miracles were witnessed by his companions and documented in the Hadith. Here are some examples:

The Splitting of the Moon:


One of the most significant miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the splitting of the moon. This miracle occurred during the early years of his prophethood when he was preaching to the people of Mecca. Allah (SWT) granted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the ability to split the moon in half and then rejoin it. This miracle was witnessed by many people, including his enemies, who acknowledged its authenticity.


The Night Journey:


Another significant miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Night Journey. This miracle occurred when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to the heavens. As Quran says “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” This is considered one of the greatest miracles. 


The Healing of the Sick:


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also had the ability to heal the sick. There are many accounts in the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) healing people who were suffering from various ailments. This ability to heal was a manifestation of Allah's power and a sign of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) prophethood.


Miracle of Water Gushing from the Fingers:


Another miracle attributed to Prophet Muhammad is the water gushing from his fingers when he was thirsty and there was no water available. According to Islamic tradition, this event occurred when the Prophet was on a journey with his companions and they ran out of water. The Prophet prayed to God for help, and then put his hand in the sand. Water started gushing from between his fingers, providing them with enough water to quench their thirst.


Miracle of the Talking Tree - The Conversation with a Palm Tree


The Miracle of the Talking Tree, also known as the Conversation with a Palm Tree, is one of the lesser-known miracles attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). According to a narration, the Prophet once passed by a barren palm tree and greeted it by saying "Assalamu Alaikum," which means "peace be upon you" in Arabic. To the amazement of those around him, the tree responded with the same greeting.


The story of the Miracle of the Talking Tree is recorded in several Islamic books of Hadith, which are collections of sayings and actions of the Prophet. The narration highlights the miraculous nature of the Prophet's words and his ability to communicate with all aspects of nature. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting and showing kindness to all living things, including plants and trees.


Miracle of the Feeding of the Multitude :


The Miracle of the Feeding of the Multitude, also known as the Multiplication of Food, is one of the most well-known miracles attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet and his companions were once traveling and became hungry. They had only a small amount of food, which was not enough to feed all of them. The Prophet then miraculously multiplied the food, so that it was enough to feed everyone present, with leftovers.


The story of the Miracle of the Feeding of the Multitude is recorded in several Islamic books of Hadith, and serves as an example of the Prophet's compassion and concern for his companions. It also highlights the miraculous nature of his teachings and his ability to provide for those in need. The event has been interpreted by Islamic scholars as a demonstration of the power of God and His ability to provide for His servants in times of need.


Miracle of the Protection from Poison:


The Miracle of the Protection from Poison, also known as The Poisoned Meat and the Blessed Companion, is a well-known story from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The story goes that a Jewish woman from the city of Khaibar presented the Prophet with a poisoned lamb as a gift. The Prophet took a bite from the meat, but before he could swallow it, he was warned by the Angel Gabriel that the meat was poisoned. The Prophet immediately spat out the food and did not suffer any ill effects.


The Prophet inquired about the source of the poisoned meat and discovered that it was sent by a Jewish woman from Khaibar. He then sent for her and questioned her about her motives. The woman admitted that she had done it out of enmity towards the Prophet and his followers. The Prophet forgave her, and she later converted to Islam.


Miracle of the Prediction of Future Events - The Prophecies and Foretelling


Prophet's prophecies and foretelling:


The Conquest of Mecca: The Prophet Muhammad prophesized that the Muslims would conquer Mecca, despite the odds being stacked against them. This prophecy came true in the year 630 CE when the Muslims successfully conquered the city.


The Battle of Badr: The Prophet Muhammad predicted the outcome of the Battle of Badr, which was a crucial battle between the Muslims and the Meccans. The Prophet predicted that the Muslims would be victorious, despite being outnumbered, and this prophecy came true.


The Death of Ubay ibn Khalaf: The Prophet Muhammad predicted the death of Ubay ibn Khalaf, who was one of the leading opponents of Islam at the time. The prophecy came true when Ubay was killed in the Battle of Uhud.


The Appearance of False Prophets: The Prophet Muhammad warned his followers about the appearance of false prophets and imposters who would claim to be messengers of God. This prophecy has been proven true throughout history, as many individuals have falsely claimed prophethood.


The Spread of Islam: The Prophet Muhammad predicted that Islam would spread throughout the world, and this prophecy has come true. Today, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers.


Telecommunication: The Prophet Muhammad said: "The day will come when distances will be shortened, and communication will be established between people." This prophecy is seen by some as predicting the development of telecommunication technologies such as the internet, smartphones, and social media.


Nuclear War: The Prophet Muhammad said: "The Hour will not be established until you see ten signs: smoke, the Dajjal (anti-Christ), the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus, Gog and Magog, and three landslides-one in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia, at the end of which fire will break out from Yemen, and drive people to their place of assembly." This prophecy is believed by some to predict the use of nuclear weapons in a future war.


Medical Advancements: The Prophet Muhammad said: "For every disease, Allah has created a cure." This prophecy is seen by some as predicting the development of medical advancements that can cure previously incurable diseases.


Section 3: Evidence from the Quran


In addition to the Hadith, the Quran also provides evidence of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) miracles. For example, in Surah Al-Qamar, Allah (SWT) says, "The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, 'Passing magic.'" This verse refers to the splitting of the moon, which is a clear indication that this miracle did indeed occur.


Section 4: Responses to Claims of No Miracles


Despite the overwhelming evidence of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) miracles, there are still some who deny their authenticity. One common argument is that miracles are not necessary for a prophet to be considered authentic. While this may be true, miracles serve as a clear sign of a prophet's connection with Allah (SWT) and are meant to strengthen the faith of believers.


Another argument is that the miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were just illusions or coincidences. However, this argument is easily refuted by the fact that these miracles were witnessed by hundreds of people and documented in the Hadith.




In conclusion, the claim that Prophet Muhammad did not perform any miracles is unfounded and inaccurate. He performed many miracles during his lifetime, including the revelation of the Quran, the Night Journey, the splitting of the moon, and the gushing of water from his fingers and many more. These miracles were witnessed by many people and are well-documented in Islamic tradition. They serve as evidence of his prophethood and divine mission, and continue to inspire and guide millions of people around the world.









